Sostanza Magazine - Issue 01

SOSTANZA guides you, in a conscious way, on an inner journey that manifests 
the essence of what defines you. SOSTANZA is a trip that is always new and never 
the same, pushing us into uncharted territories, leading us to new boundaries 
and revealing the deep intimacy of human connections. 
That's why SOSTANZA is not the usual psychedelic fanzine, but a totally independent media outlet that wants to embrace the diversity that these experiences bring to light.
SOSTANZA, in fact, is a migration exploratia. It's gasolineper polemich. It's a nerve.

«[...] And substance is the substrate, which, in one sense, means the matter, in a second sense it means the essence and the form, and, in a third sense, it means the compound 
of matter and form [...]»

Aristotele, Metaphisic, VII, 1042a

Creative direction: Nicola Quadrio
Art direction & Graphic project: Francesco Dori
Copywriting: Luca Bruni, Pierdomenico di Turi
Text editor: Chiara Lanzavecchia, Sara Bevilacqua
Photography: Filippo Lucchese

Special Thanks to: Leonardo Caffo, Roberto Maria Clemente, Vincenzo Angilieri

Sostanza Magazine - Issue 01